We purchased Hip Helpers for Harrison a few weeks ago, and we love them. They look like baby spandex and keep your little one’s legs together while rolling, crawling or playing. Hip Helpers are one of our favorite down syndrome resources.
Babies with low muscle tone, like children with Down Syndrome, don’t have much control over their hip muscles, so their legs can spread easily. To encourage kids to keep their legs in line with their torsos, Hip Helpers are an excellent resource.
According to their website, Hip Helpers were developed by a physical therapist and are suggested for children 6 months to 3 years old. We started using Hip Helpers on Harrison when he was about 8 months old, and we put them on under his pants and over his diaper everyday. For just $15 per pair, Hip Helpers are an affordable way to reduce hip abduction.
More info at www.hiphelpers.com.
Thanks for sharing what you go through, I love learning!!!
did it help harrison ?